Parent Enrolment Guide - Kangaroo Time


Kangarootime is an all-in-one childcare management platform designed to enhance communication with families.  Through the KT Connect app, parents can stay connected by receiving updates, photos, and videos of their child’s daily activities, as well as manage payments conveniently. This guide will show how to Enrol your child and will refer to further guides on how to use the app!

New Families

  1. Please fill out the following form via this link: 
  2. Wait for your offer to be confirmed and sent out to your email address.
  3. Complete the full enrolment form (link provided in confirmation email)
  4. Book an Orientation Meeting with the Centre Director via the following link:
  5. Once this process is completed, read this Orientation Pack.

*The Orientation Meeting can be done in person, over the phone or using Google Meet.

Existing Families

Email [email protected] with any changes to your current account/bookings.

Using the KT Connect App


Phone – 0425 291 281

Email – [email protected]

Office Hours

Monday – Friday:  10:30am – 2:30pm
