Vacation Care

Vacation Care

Each Vacation Care program is designed by qualified educators to provide a wide variety of experiences that reflect the changing interests and needs of children, families, and the broader community. KPSOOSH Care runs a combination of in-house, incursion, and excursion days during Vacation Care. Click here to see the programming for our upcoming Vacation Care.

In-House Days

Children participate in exciting activities facilitated on-site by KPSOOSH educators, with a new theme every day.

Incursion Days

Special guests perform and run interactive workshops, such as magicians, petting zoos, and cultural workshops.

Excursion Days

Children explore local facilities, including trips to the zoo, cinemas, Chinese gardens, and more.


Phone – 0425 291 281

Email – [email protected]

Office Hours

Monday – Friday:  10:30am – 2:30pm
